Panificio Mula Graziano
Via Corrasi snc, 08025 Oliena (NU)
Telefono +39 347 0595121

Bakery Mula Graziano
The company was founded in 2004, following the acquisition from Gianni Catte’s company, a master baker.
The latter learned the art of making carasau from his mother in law Sebastiana Cossu, an extraordinary talented woman, who lived in the first half of the 20th century in Oliena (Sardinia).
These recipes are at least 100 years old, therefore, in line with long-established traditions.
According to these traditions, the leavening of bread, before being cooked, is still stored in warm clothes.
Many of these processing steps are still manual, such as dripping extra virgin olive oil on the carasau bread, in order to make it an excellent guttiau bread.
Carasau bread

Biological Carasau

Wholemeal Carasau bread

Carasau Guttiau

Carasau bread half-moon

Carasau half-moon bio