Pastificio Sa Panada s.r.l.
Sede Legale: Via Grazia Deledda, 17 Oschiri
Stabilimento: Zona Art.le S’Utturu
07027 – Oschiri (SS) – Sardegna – Italy
Web: www.sapanada.it
Email: martina@sapanada.it
FB: facebook.com/PastificioSaPanada
Instagram: instagram.com/pastificio_sa_panada

Panada typical food of Oschiri
Oschiri is a small village situated in the North of Sardinia and it is rich of history and culinary traditions. One of the typical products is “Sa Panada”, a stuffed pie prepared with meat and vegetables, cooked by the steam generated by the oven.
Panadas are healthy and a complete food, to be eaten on different occasions. Today, it can be also enjoyable outside Sardinia due to the possibility of exporting it as there are good quality of frozen ingredients. In that respect, the company is launching the “frozen panadas” in this sector, which guarantees a longer shelf life.
“Sa Panada” is among the main specialities which keeps alive our Sardinia’s traditions. Hence, for this reason, our company follows high quality of standards, aiming also to keep and improve the handcrafts techniques.
Most importantly, these factors allow to increase the value the main characteristics of the product, namely the fact that it remains fresh so that it can be eaten immediately after cooking.
Pork Panada

Panada with turkey and peppers

Panada with shrimp and courgettes

Panada with artichokes and potatoes

Mixed vegetables Panada